Saturday, August 25, 2012

The "Dignity" philosophy

So let’s talk “oh sh..” moments.  Have you had one?  In my case tonight, it was one of those moments which US folk like to call “wardrobe malfunctions” or “bad wardrobe choice” moments.  But I adopted a valuable life philosophy that my sister lives by…”maintain dignity at all costs”.
The scene: sunset’s twilight; the cicadas’ are singing; the temperature is set at a sultry but divine degree; the love of my life is whipping up a frenzy in the kitchen; and the wine is delivering a bouquet of dark chocolate and plum.  Perfect.  So moi, adorned in a sheer chemise de nuit with glass of wine in hand, decided it was a good time to go and twine the flourishing Southern Wisteria through my supposedly private Juliet balcony bars.  “Hey y’all” was enough to cause a heart stopping shock to my peaceful trice and the “oh sh..” to sprint through the brain.  But hoping like hell that my outrageous Wisteria was thick enough to cover the nether regions and adopting the “maintain dignity” theme, I looked over the balcony at my more mature neighbors who were out wearingly pruning their thorny Bougainvillea and said “Hello” with elegance, “lovely evening isn’t it”.  “Y’all not from ‘round here, are ya” was the response.  Up for a chat is a polite way of putting it with this lovely Southern couple.  By the end of it, I was not only fully informed of what they and their adult children do; the dog’s name; and all the best restaurants in the area, but I had also secured an invitation to a ‘genuine south Texan Bar-B-Q (emphasis important here) and given advice on the best way to trim and control my flourishing creeper!  Throughout this conversation, I was constantly shifting my carriage in the hope of improving the situation to one of more advantage but despite my best efforts, I was left wondering how much dignity I was truly maintaining.  However, given the Bar-B-Q invite it would appear that my new neighbors were sufficiently impressed, but by what specifically is best left to the gods to contemplate.  I am going to take the higher and positive ground of believing it to be because of my outgoing and engaging personality.  Time will tell…..
But yes, c’est moi qui l’ai fait!!