Sunday, December 9, 2012

Testing times

What an interesting week I’ve had.  I have spent time with a Naval Engineer crawling around below the deck of a Beneteau yacht checking out the bilge, the Yanmar engine, waste tanks, the keel, the zinc, the propeller shaft, etc learning stuff I never really believed I’d be learning.  I then followed that up with a test sail on Galveston Bay and dealing with yacht brokerages, marine insurance agencies, marinas, and yacht clubs.  I can’t say I know what the hell I am doing but I now have a yacht to show for it and a great new toy to share with C.  So its a new journey for me in terms of learning experiences.  After 25 years of him talking about it, I can’t say I genuinely believed it would happen.  So now that there is an actual yacht out there with our name on it; I guess I need to learn how to maintain it, repair it, sail it, navigate and importantly, keep her afloat.  Actually, I am really looking forward to that part of it.  I like information.  I believe I can pretty much deal with any challenges thrown my way provided I am informed.  Some would quietly suggest that I over think things and to be truthful, I won’t challenge that accusation.  But I do like to know what I am dealing with and all the angles and hurdles that might present themselves.  My first challenge, you’ll be pleased to know, is that Coromell has a blown anchor light.  Now that is not the light attached to the anchor and therefore the one sitting on the bow of the boat within easy reach.  NO….the anchor light is that teeny tiny little blip that sits right at the top of the mast.  Yep.  So guess whose job it is to go to the top and replace the bulb.  Joy.  Can’t wait.  My only saving grace is that the boat will be  settled in her slip rather than bobbing around on a wave!  I picture a scene from Cliffhanger…clinging helplessly to a pathetic climbing line with my beloved below on the deck yelling “you can do it…just don’t look down!”.  Where is Rocky when you need him!!  Oh well, I am hoping that this blown anchor light won’t be the last I change and that I will someday get to change one while cruising one of the great oceans of the world!!