According the local information services, Kemah is an Indian word meaning “wind in my face” which is incredibly apt. This wonderful boating playground is located about 30 minutes south of Houston in the Galveston Bay area. Because of its location, its primary business is commercial shipping and fishing, but its clearly a great destination for a days outing for fun and relaxation. There are restaurants galore, the Kemah Boardwalk and a diverse range of recreational activities. Its also only a short hop, skip and jump from the Lyndon B Johnson NASA space station!
But importantly for my household, it’s the water activities that take prime position in the ‘what to do in Kemah’ guidebook.
Apparently the Bay Area is home to the largest recreational boating community in the USA. And from the moment one drives into the Kemah-Bay Area you simply can’t doubt that claim - the horizon is spiked with a sea (pardon the pun) of masts. My partner in crime’s eyes almost popped out of their sockets with what for him is like a yachting heaven.
Thousands upon thousands of boat and yachts of all sizes to be seen. The choice for him is going to be overwhelming, like a kid in a lollie shop having to choose just one kind of bull’s-eye hard candy!!
That plethora of choice will buy me time, me thinks, on a large ‘play thing’ expense.