Going to a major league baseball game at Minute Maid Park is a unique experience. Americans love their sport and take going to the game very seriously….even if the Astros are on a losing streak.
Minute Maid Park is an amazing venue. This stadium holds approximately 40,900 people for a game and is built on the site of the old Union Station. In fact, the stadium incorporates some of the old station’s main entrance and concourse in its design. The venue also hosts various concerts from time to time, which I imagine would be fantastic as its quite intimate for its size and capacity.

A baseball game may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but for me, it took me back to my youth and my softball days. I was surprised at how easily I picked up the game and its rules and recollected some of the common aspects of both games. What I do like about sport is the way in which it breaks down social barriers and facilitates comradery, conversation and friendship. By simply asking for a rule clarification from the fellow sitting next to me, I not only learnt an enormous amount about baseball, but also got all sorts of information on Houston, Texas and the US generally. I was also able to share my similar experiences and advice in respect of Australia.
Like Australians, going to a game means donning the colours and uniform, eating junk (and lots of it), being vocal and passionate, and singing off key to any and every anthem and theme song that is played.
Everyone should go to a game once in their life…..its a great experience. And yep, the Astros lost in the 10th innings.