Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Art Cars on show

We hear the saying "only in the US" all the time right?  And of course "everything is bigger in Texas". Well, on Saturday, I attended my first Houston Art Car Parade.  This is an annual event here.  Its the first and largest Art Car festival in the world and features all types of art on wheels.  Everything from bicycles to roller skates to golf carts and trucks.  If it has wheels - make a piece of art out of it.

The parade first started in 1986 when there were only 11 cars on show.  This year saw 300 cars displayed, and several of those were from countries including Wales and Brazil.  The mind boggles at the artist talent of some people or even at what inspires art.  The cars were brilliant, some macabre, some bejewelled, and some downright over the top.

Accompanying the cars of course, were the people and not to be outdone, not only were the drivers decked out but so too were many of the spectators.

This is a great day out and I have to say, a truly unique festival.  Perhaps next year.......