Monday, August 20, 2012

Texans mania

Football in the US is a religion.  More so than anything I have experienced before…not even AFL in Perth can compete with the passion of the fans here in the US.  In fact, parents have been known here to hold their sons back a year or two in school to enable them to grow bigger therefore improving their chances of football selection and scholarships!  Many choose the school for its football program – not its educational standing.
Interestingly, American Football had its origins in Rugby sometime back in the mid 1800s.  However, today there is little resemblance at all, as far as I can tell, except to say you have two teams of men facing off against each other attempting to gain ground in the opposition’s territory.  And they are huge men!!  These guys are all generally over 6 foot tall and weighing in at 130 to 140 kilos!  Add to that all the padding and helmet gear and they truly do look like gladiators out there.
So my first Houston Texans game, playing against the San Francisco 49ers, was a great experience.  Like the men, Reliant Stadium is enormous and the game, the first of the season, was sell out.
Everything about the night is certainly entertainment.  Apart from the pre-game show, the cheerleaders, and music throughout the game, the players themselves are also showmen, playing up to the crowd and whipping up the atmosphere.

However, when all is said and done, I do love my rugby probably because the teams just get out there and play. There isn’t the same amount of stopping and starting, or team changes that you see here.  Its seems to me that there is more standing around and huddling then actual play.  But hey….that’s just my uniformed early view.  I believe a few more games are in order before I can commit to this new sport!  But I do recommend that everyone should trundle along to a game once, just for the amazing experience of it.