Quite unlike any other US city, Boston is the oldest US city and has an individual culture and identity to match that age. It was founded in 1630 by the Puritan settlers from England and was ground zero for several significant events throughout its history, not the least of which was the American Revolution.
My visit began on a bitterly cold winters day with lunch in a little Irish pub being served by a Bostonian with an amazingly difficult to understand Boston accent. In fact, he made me laugh when he said "you think I speak funny don't you, well I think you sound strange!".

Boston is a very walkable city with little cobbled streets and grand old architecture not unlike what you would see in many European cities. Its chock full of history and following the Freedom Trail is a great way to see the full extent of what Boston has to offer. I walked the trail throughout all the North End, Charlestown, the Boston Common, Back Bay, etc and despite freezing conditions, I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. You can purchase these great little walking trail books which tell you not only about the trail itself and the history, but also quirky facts about various addresses or architectural features that you would never otherwise be aware of. I also learnt the history behind the Tea Party which I have never fully appreciated.

A visit to Boston would also not be complete without a trip to Fenway Park. Okay, its baseball but even if you aren't into sports, this place is a significant part of history and so many movies throughout my life have either made reference to it or have had scenes filmed there. So of course, I had to visit.
The food culture in Boston is also fabulous. Boston was and continues to be, a very multicultural city. Its population comprises people from all over the world and the food on offer reflects that.
Its a very beautiful city and in more recent years, there has been a significant gentrification and rejuvenation of the downtown area such that high line railways have been replaced by parkland and pedestrians and cyclists are encouraged.
I enjoyed Boston. Old world but modern, quirky but elegant, relaxed yet a big city.