Twenty five years ago, I was luxuriating in a bubble bath contemplating my life and the next big step I was about to take. You see, 25 years ago today at about 1030am, I married my soul mate, my 'split apart'.
Those 25 years have disappeared in a heart beat and in their wake I find a myriad of memories, good and bad, some bumps and bruises, and some scars. But not one of those would I give back, as every single mark on our souls and bodies comes together like a fabulous recipe to create who we are today. And there is no better decadent chocolate cake on the planet than that!
The journey I have been on with C has been completely unexpected. Every turn has surprised me, many have challenged me. The stars willing, I look with anticipation towards the next 25 now for what this new box of chocolates might have in store.
I wish for everyone the kind of relationship I have found in C. I feel incredibly blessed to have someone in my life who allows me the freedom to fly and nose-dive from time to time. A person who can pick me up when needed, listen to my woes without judging, put up with my idiosyncrasies (of which I have many) and make me laugh so my sides split. He supports me, challenges me to see the alternatives, gives me confidence, and reminds me to be true to myself.
And of course, he loves all my bits...even the cranky and scarred bits. He is truly my best friend.